SUNDAY’s CHESS WORKSHOPs for Scholastic players: Chess-SUN-JanFebMar2025
TUESDAY’s CHESS WORKSHOPs for Scholastic players: Chess-TUE-JanFebMar2025
Registration is open: Download to register: Chess-reg-form2025
We also will provide a private and semi-private chess lessons to the kids and adults by appointment ONLY .
Our 2025 rates are:
If you come to us, in Palatine IL location 1147 W Wood St., Palatine, IL 60067, the private lesson rate is $60 an hour for kids and $65 for an adult. Same rate for the Zoom lessons.
If you want us to travel to your location: the kid’s rate is currently $80 an hour for 1-20 miles radius and $90 for 20 to 30 miles travel distances. Adult rate is $10 higher.
There is also a semi-private format with 2 students of similar level There are different formats depending on age and chess level:
- 90 Mins: 30 Mins lecture, puzzles, 30 Mins supervised play recorded on computer, 30 Mins after game discussion.
- 70 Mins: 50 Mins private instructions +20m of play against next student (OR 20m game against previous student + 50m Private)
Rates at Palatine location are started at $50 per student.
Since, our summer chess educational capacities are limited we will give preference to the long term ( 6+ sessions) commitments
Initial CHESS HomeWork Assignment: AoIG-LiChess-HW-ass